Windscreen and motor glass department

The Brolink windscreen and motor glass department will assist to curb the increasing cost of claims through operational efficiency in partnership with selected Insurer approved service providers that have been contracted in line with specific service level agreements.
The Brolink windscreen and motor glass department handles all windscreen and motor glass claims for Personal Lines & Commercial Lines
We assure you that customer service and quality is our priority. It is also important that we maintain the strong support for the Insurer preferred motor glass and make use of the alternative motor glass.
The Windscreen Call Centre aims to simplify the process of lodging and processing a windscreens claim as well as ensure that claims are not only settled speedily and efficiently, but also as cost effectively as possible.
The Call Centre will enable you or your clients to contact us directly via telephone or e-mail on 0871 353 725 or windscreen@brolink.co.za for quick and efficient handling of all windscreen claims.
Information needed to register a windscreen or motor glass claim:
The following information must be provided for any windscreen or motor glass claim:
Policy number; Full vehicle details (Make, Model & Registration Number)
- Vin number of the vehicle
- Client contact details
- Date of loss
- Incident description
Windscreen and Motor Glass Team
Email address: windscreen@brolink.co.za
Contact number: 0871 353 725
Team Leader: Devesh Ramborosa
Email address: devesh.ramborosa@brolink.co.za
Direct Contact Number: 012 673 0007
Claims Manager: Denise Fourie
Email address: denise.fourie@brolink.co.za
Direct Contact Number: 087 135 3229