5 tips for filling out insurance quote forms

No matter how you buy your insurance – whether it’s through a broker or directly from an insurance company – you’ll need to provide certain details in order to get insurance quotes.
The information you’ll need to provide will vary according to the type of insurance you’re getting. In all cases, paying attention to filling out the quote form will help you in the long run to save money and get the best product most suited to you.
Here are five tips to help you get accurate insurance quotes that offer value for money:
Be prepared
Before you start filling out the quote form, make sure you have all your relevant personal information handy. For example, for car insurance quotes, have your car’s make, model, year and VIN number handy, along with your own and other drivers’ personal details.
Compare similar policies
If you’re replacing an existing insurance policy, have it on hand so that you can accurately compare prices, rates and conditions. For example, if you’ve got a comprehensive funeral policy, make sure that any other insurance quotes you get are for the same level of cover.
Shop around
No matter which kind of insurance you’re looking for, it’s a great idea to get more than one quote from multiple companies, since the cost and cover levels can vary so widely between them. You’ll then be able to weigh up your options and compare, which policy gives you the most value for money in terms of your premiums and coverage.
Don’t just look at the price
When you’re comparing several policies, don’t just look at the price of the policy – look at the coverage you’re getting as well. While an insurance quote may be the cheapest, it may mean you have inadequate cover that makes it not worth it in the long term. Also look into the insurance company’s reputation, and whether past customers are happy with their products and services.
Be honest
When filling out an insurance quote form, it can be tempting to omit certain details in order to get a lower premium, such as whether or not you’re a smoker or whether you’ve had a driving conviction. However, if your insurance company finds out you’ve lied, they could reject your application, or you could be liable for excesses and higher premiums later on.
Source: Hollard